How to Do Greater Than or Equal to in Excel
Updated: 05/16/2020 by Computer Hope

Equal is a value or data that's the same or equivalent to another value and is represented by the = symbol. The equal sign symbol shares the same key as the + key on a keyboard and is next to the backspace key.
- Where is the equals sign on the keyboard?
- How to create the = symbol.
- What is the equals sign used for on a computer?
- What is the other symbol on the equal key?
- Related pages
Where is the equals sign on the keyboard?
Below is an overview of a computer keyboard with the equals key highlighted in blue.
Apple computer keyboards with a numeric keypad also have an equal sign above the number eight.
How to create the = symbol
Creating the = symbol on a U.S. keyboard
To create an equal sign using a U.S. keyboard press the equals key (same key as the plus ( + )), which is left of the backspace or delete key.
Creating the = symbol on a smartphone or tablet
To create an equal sign on a smartphone or tablet open the keyboard, go into numbers (123) or symbols (sym), and then press your finger on the = symbol.
What is the equals sign used for on a computer?
With computers, the equals sign is commonly used in programming and mathematics to show a total value or assign a value. The following sections contain examples of how the equals sign is used.
Equals in a math formula
In a math formula, the equals sign shows the result of the formula. For example, in the formula below, you can see that 2 - 1 is equal to 1.
2 - 1 = 1
Equals in an excel formula
In Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet programs, all formulas begin with the equal sign. In the formula below, all cells between A1 and A10 are added together, and the result is displayed in the formula cell.
Equals in computer programming
The equals sign is used in many programming languages to assign a variable a value as shown in the example below.
my $myvariable = "Computer Hope";
In the above example, the variable "$myvariable" is assigned the value "Computer Hope" using the equal sign.
An equal value in computer programming
In programming languages, the equal symbol is also an operator in a conditional statement. For example, eq or == (double equal sign) can check if a value is equal to another value. In the example below, if the variable "$myval" is equal to 10, then print "The value equals 10," otherwise print "Value is not equal to 10" to the screen.
if ($myval == 10) {
print "The value equals 10";
} else { print "Value is not equal to 10";
What is the other symbol on the equal key?
On U.S. keyboards, the equal key is shared with the plus key, which may be shown next to or above the equal symbol.
Ge, Keyboard terms, Le, Ne, Programming terms
How to Do Greater Than or Equal to in Excel